I started using FreshRSS around the same time Reddit killed their API, it has rapidly become one of my favorite self-hosted apps.
open source software releases I follow
You have just taught me that I can add github release pages to my feed, I love FreshRSS even more now.
As someone who was home-schooled, I absolutely agree with Cosmonaut Star. I dodged the alt-right insanity of modern homeschooling, but I got the “okay sit here and do learning unsupervised for a while” treatment after I turned 11 or 12. Prior to then I feel like my parents did an okay job at making sure I was keeping up with normal kids and taking me to social gatherings and stuff, but that just gradually slipped away the older I got. I feel like I’m still unpacking mental baggage from basically not having a life in my teens.
Thank fuck I got into self-hosting, networking, and Linux/BSD stuff in general as a hobby otherwise I would have zero marketable skills for a job.
Darknet Diaries is so good
Readable on Voyager as well.
EDIT: Not to say it looks good, but it’s readable.