You should leave a review, I am not affiliated with them
You should leave a review, I am not affiliated with them
If you want decentralized private messaging see
Delta Chat aims for “WhatsApp-level” simplicity and these webxdc zips are just called “apps” when regular users interact with them in the Delta Chat app.
This blog post goes a bit more in-depth on what they are, how they work and how you can build one. Which I thought would be interesting for this Technology forum.
Yeah the spec is at and it is implemented by Delta Chat and a couple XMPP clients.
I don’t use Matrix so I’m not sure.
simple to use
Not sure how to make that simpler
big accounts won’t move over, nor will their followers.
This post is about private messaging, not social media.
They are apps that use a messenger as backend, so basically your conversation with someone else has all the state of the webxdc. In Delta Chat that would be the encrypted email thread.
To use a webxdc share it in any of the mentioned messaging apps.
Finally, humane child slaughter
What do you base that on? A cow can’t consent to this.
A slice of ham is 150-200kcal by itself, if you eat two sandwiches you are better off eating an entire bag of crisps (~500kcal for 200gr).
Their advertisement budget is collected by guilt tripping Wikipedia users using the lie that the website would cease if they didn’t ”donate”.
Vegan diets are ~16% cheaper on average in the US but even if they weren’t, a dollar a day does not justify killing someone.
I have been requested to not talk about it.
You know not going won’t inspire anyone to change
Partner stopped going and the next year all family events were fully vegan because family prefers being together over eating flesh.
I would prefer to spend holidays with family but I don’t because they prefer to eat flesh and I am against animal abuse. I think it’s the right thing to do to protest this by not going but it sucks.
The amount of people on here that are okay with a corporation phoning home everything you type is a bit scary. Googles Gboard and Microsoft’s SwiftKey are a privacy nightmare. Check out FUTO:
That website was the fastest loading website I’ve ever visited.