Now it’s easier to reuse the meme next time this happens.
A few of my friends who are a lot more knowledgeable about LLMs than myself are having a good look over the next week or so. It’ll take some time, but I’m sure they will post their results when they are done (pretty busy times unfortunately).
I’ll do my best to remember to come back here with a link or something when I have more info 😊
That said, hopefully someone else is also taking a look and we can get a few different perspectives.
Awwwww diddums. Do you not like it when people steal your work to make money from it? That must be so difficult for you…
What the hell does autism have to do with this?
It’s so you can turn the shower on to warm without opening the door. I assume there is a notable splash risk.
Oh, but don’t you see? DON’T YOU SEE NOW, CHILD?! You do understand…
Nobody knows. Nobody.
All those people who you looked up to for guidance? Clueless.
They didn’t know what they were doing either! They were just more experienced at guessing.
Sorry, might have lost my mind a little there… What were we talking about?