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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 17th, 2024

  • You are misunderstanding how the system is supposed to work.

    We have a responsibility to vote, but no candidate is owed a vote.

    The government is meant to execute the will of the people. That’s why we live in a democracy. That means that the government is supposed to work for you. The politicians are supposed to essentially be public workers that are hired via votes of the citizens.

    These public workers are supposed to be a reflection of the will of the people. If they don’t match what we want, then they don’t win.

    No one is owed our votes. They are supposed to earn it.

  • That’s not how this works. It is not a voters duty to vote for a candidate. The voter does not owe a candidate votes.

    Giving someone your vote is like giving them your personal political power. That’s why the popular vote works.

    The responsibility is on the party to put forth appropriate candidates that reflect the will of the people. It is up to them to sell themselves to us, not the other way around.

    In a democracy, all power is derived from the will of the people. They work for us. Not the other way around.

    It is up to the party to deliver appropriate candidates that will accurately reflect the will of the people.

  • Acting like I’m the one that doesn’t know what I’m talking about is laughable.

    It sounds like you have very little knowledge of any political theory. The basis of democracy is that power HAS TO come from the will of the people. The people exist first, and then we make government. It’s not like someone set up a tent in the middle of a field and people come up and apply to be governed.

    If a party is losing elections like this, then it means that they are not representing the will of the people. That means that they are failing at their job, which is to represent and execute the will of the people.

    Why else would we pay taxes and give a huge portion of our money to the government? Remember, taxes come from us. The US Government doesn’t magically just have unlimited money. They get money from us, and they are supposed to spend how we tell them to.

    You’re talking like we have some sort of set ruling class, and all of us little peasants failed our lords and ladies because we didn’t vote hard enough for them.

    That’s an extremely authoritarian view of government that borders on being pro aristocracy. Kind of like feudalism.

    Acting fed up with me and like you’re so much smarter than me that you can’t even explain your position is such an amateur attempt at covering up your own lack of knowledge.

    Do better.

  • No it wasn’t good enough.

    Harris offers essentially the same platform as Trump.

    I know that’s going to upset y’all, but she wants the same things but with a different aesthetic.

    Looking at her immigration policy tells you most of what you need to know about her. Look at her stance on the genocide. Look at her stance on the environment and fracking. It’s all the same as Trump.

    So yeah, you’re goddamn right it’s not good enough.

  • This meme makes me so mad. It completely misses the point that the government is supposed to be working for us. They are here to make our lives better from our collective power. The right to rule is derived from the will of the people. You are misunderstanding how government is supposed to function on an essential level.

    Making it out to be the voters fault because we didn’t like the shit sandwich that the were serving us is absolutely incorrect. Harris had zero progressive ideas in her platform. She ran on basically the same platform as the GOP.

    As soon as you start putting the onus on the voter, you are putting our politicians up as the aristocracy. You make them into our ruling class. This is incorrect. They are supposed to execute the will of the people.

    I’m just absolutely shocked that so many people are acting like the voters failed, when the DNC has done this to us so many times lately.