Astronomy. I’m a merit badge counselor. But every time I set up in my yard I invite friends and neighbors.
Genealogy. I’m working on trees for several friends. I’d like to do it for money, but the pay isn’t there.
How long before this type of behavior gets you thrown out of a window?
Like crocodile but not spelled that way.
Vanguard trades occur at end of day.
I use “Getting by. We’re all just getting by.” I usually get a reply like, “Ain’t that the truth.” More real, and it invites an attitude of being in it together.
You could try oven cleaner…
So when there is a critical shortage of teachers and bus drivers, will they call in the military to perform those tasks?
The infinite improbability generator.
I think it has already started. It just hasn’t consolidated yet.
My hobby is genealogy. Almost every generation seems to have someone in the family that endured significant hardship but made it through. The most recent one I found was a young child burned to death in a barn fire. Others are kids orphaned by flu or other illness. I always find that one person that could have quit - but didn’t. Americans seem to have a recessive resilient gene. It comes out only at dire need. This can give us great hope these days.