You can always just drill a tiny hole at the bottom of the light and that will allow it to drain it’s a 5 minute fix and nobody will ever notice it
You can always just drill a tiny hole at the bottom of the light and that will allow it to drain it’s a 5 minute fix and nobody will ever notice it
15 years for my dad 10 years for my brother’s 5 years for my mom
I have a media server with 40tb of videos, the worst thing though was when I was 13 or so I broke into an abandoned trailer with some friends no one had been in there for years and there was cash everywhere we ended up finding over 10k just stashed all over the place and that was lot of money in the 90’s ended up getting busted because we were stupid with the money
Something I had to spend time on to disable
He was too busy releasing the judge who sold kids
He looks like a token butch lesbian from a cheap horror movie
I have a 4090 in a sff I don’t have any heat issues it runs cooler than my 2080 did
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