A world ruled by false flags
A world ruled by false flags
Can’t? More like wont.
We need this in the US. *Any friends in Canada want to start a “remove Elon from US citizenship” petition? We would but don’t want to end up on the kill list once they roll that out.
I mean… yea*. Nice poem.
Defense from who?
Man, Europe is going to have a lot of shit to figure out now that they don’t have the post WWII agreements to depend on, going forward. In the short term it’s going to be bad for everyone. One can hope it’ll have a benefit in the long run and the European nations don’t start turning on each other like they have in the past, historically - once armed again.
Imagine if they opened their own mastodon instance
I guess I didn’t realize how Thailand viewed Muslims.
Hopefully it will go from landlord to exlandlord that you despise against and hold accountable
Honestly, a good story to follow and study in these times.
Meanwhile the US news agencies have actually IDF working as “reporters” in their offices
Germany is absolutely determined to go AfD while looking less AfD
Bitches get stitches.
Well this proposal is disappointing. I guess it’s not just US democrats who sit on their hands and do jack shit in the face of a need for true leadership.
Jfc I have had my fill of neoliberal bullshit
It’s good to see Egypt finally growing a fucking spine
Of course Netanyahu is trying to sabotage the ceasefire
Fossil fuels are going to take us all out