Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • There’s a big difference between sitting around a fire telling stories. And sending pseudonymous click-baity messages (I’m slightly exaggerating) across the globe.

    Totally agree, except that regardless of how smart a person is…all our brains are pretty dumb and easy to fool. If reading stupid click-bait messages on the internet triggers the same connections as having a talk around the fire, then to our brains it’s literally the same. And it has all the same things, just more so. Is someone more likely to lie to you for their own ends on the internet? Probably, but your best friend would like to your face if their mental maths figured that lying would benefit them more than telling the truth. Not saying that society is doomed because we’re all inherently selfish and don’t care about the welfare of anyone past ourselves. But to say that social media doesn’t fill the same function as village gatherings, the town crier exclaiming news where you might not get word, or gathering around the fire with Oogtug and Feffaguh to tell eachother about your day…in the current era, when people are more socially isolated than ever? Nah. Doesn’t track for me.

  • Right? I figured I’d just let them keep winding themselves up. Never even said I was pro-Biden. Honestly, imho, he’s not great, didn’t do much I liked during his tenure and a bunch I didn’t. The stuff he did before was mostly anti-labour which I very much disagree with. BraindeadInABox is frothing at the mouth so hard that they should probably be checked for rabies. The Sartre quote was delectable in it’s blind use as some kinda gotcha. The bozo’s reping a fucking Cheeto, who’s a known rapist, insurrectionist(not even in the respectable way,) and undoubted racist, and if he believes in anything at all further than his own personal power and wealth… he’s certainly an anti-Semite. It’s been interesting watching the masks come off these tankies. Marxist-Leninists my fucking foot. They’re rabid fascist neckbeards, simping over Putin, Xi, and now Herr Trumpf.
    Which is a bit sad, they were so close to actually getting it.

    Anyway, fully expecting this post to be removed. Probably too close to the truth for these soft bootlicking snowflakes.

  • Not me, but a good friend of mine. He has a film production/editing side hustle. He was doing a promotional video for a night club, high end place …like if you’re not a good looking girl, if you’re inside you’re somebody or know somebody and they’ve got you in. So the owner of the establishment had hired a guy with a semi decent reputation to do all the filming and stills of the club while open and when it’s closed to hire out for events. So buddy’s going through footage with the camera guy and the owner, flicking through, everything looks good, then a bunch of stills and videos of actual porn. Not like amateur shit, like a full set, lights, crew, the lot. Buddy just skips through, apparently it’s not all that uncommon. After they’ve got through the footage, the owner says to the camera guy:
    Thanks, I think we have enough to put something together. I’ll call if {buddy} needs more to work with.

    So camera guy is away, and owner turns to buddy and says:
    Did you fucking see that?!

    Buddy explains it’s not that uncommon to find sex pics and video on the same drive as professional shots.

    Owner replied: