Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I don’t think that this is something specific to Texas’ power generation, which is what I think the parent commenter is complaining about.

    I’d rather take their statement for what it literally was. Since that’s what they went out of their way to explain. And since you’re not them…

    Very few Texans I knew (with the number being literally 0)… for years of living there. And myself during that time. Did not have a generator. That’s it. Short of them providing any actual evidence of their claim. It’s been dispelled. That’s it.

    Should they have one? I don’t really care to comment deeply on that. I didn’t see a point to having one while I lived there. So I would assume most people would also come to the same conclusion.

  • If you pull up original translated subtitles and an English dub on the same video. You’ll often find that meanings and intent can also vary because dubbers have to tweak stuff to make the flow work in a completely different language. I’ve seen several anime episodes where lines of text changed meaning because of this.

    Also English VA are just not as good as expressing feelings in tone of voice. Japanese in general seems (from an outsider’s flawed perspective) to have more tonal qualities that impart on me as the listener more obvious tones (excited, angry, what-have-you). Especially with the way the JP VAs play into it more.

    So yes, I prefer to watch Anime in the original JP, and I keep English subs on for stuff that I don’t understand. Over time though I seem to understand more and more without reading the direct English translation.

    I will admit that I don’t watch a whole lot of other foreign content though. I’d imagine I’d do the same with Polish/German content though as I’ve grown up around both (family) that I could probably glean similar understanding as I do with Anime now. But other languages I probably would just look for an EN dub.

  • Correct. And anybody who states the federal minimum wage as $2.13 is lying.

    In every state, you will make whatever the state’s minimum wage is. The employer in many states can discount that wage down to whatever the tipped minimum wage is.

    Let’s assume a restaurant that only ever seats individuals and only sells one item. That item costs 10$. Let’s also assume the worst… that the normal tip is 10%.

    So if you work in AZ and work a full 8 hour shift.

    8*14.70 = 117.6. This is your minimum wage that you can walk away from that shift with. (let’s ignore taxes for the moment). Let’s start looking at how many tables you’d serve in a reasonable shift. When I was working in restaurants as a teenager, I was handling ~4 tables /hr average. So lets assume lower, at 3 tables. If a restaurant cannot give wait staff 3 tables an hour, something is wrong with the restaurant itself or management.

    811.70 + (83)(101*.1) = $117.6, $0 over the minimum wage. However you busted your ass and this probably doesn’t feel “worth” it. Actual wage of $14.70/hr

    Except reality is that most tables are probably on average going to be 2 people… and 20% is much more customary at this point. 811.70 + (83)(102*.2) = $189.6, $72 over what you’d get on minimum wage alone. Actual wage of $23.7/hr. Which is respectable.

    Let’s take a much “worse” state in AR. Same calcs…

    811.00 = $88. 82.63 + (83)(101.1) = $45.04… Oh no! Less than the state minimum wage… Except that’s not possible. The restaurant must cover the difference. You will leave with $11/hr 82.63 + (83)(102*.2) = $117.04. Actual wage of $14.63/hr

    Now keep in mind we were working with a fictitious case where food was only $10/plate. And no drinks or anything like that. The numbers go up substantially if we put more real figures into the equation. At a more reasonable 4 tables an hour… and 15-20$ per plate, drinks, and 20-25% tipping… etc… the numbers go up significantly.

    A real world case for a family of 4. $150 check for the table. 18% tip is $27. We were there for 40 minutes. Assuming the waiter had NO OTHER TABLES the entire day. He would have made $15.08/hr. My one tip alone put him over the minimum wage for AZ for the whole day… He had 2 other tables while we were there, and another whole 7 other hours of work if he’s pulling an 8 hour shift.

    Here’s the kicker though… The MAJORITY of states don’t observe the federal minimums at all. And all of the more populous states with higher cost of living are in the majority.

    I did research not that long ago and even though the federal minimum wage is something like $7.25, if you do a population distribution of the USA and their respective state minimum wages, you find that the actual average minimum wage for any give person in the USA is something like $11.70.

    $2.13 is a lie. Tipped workers in well run restaurants tend to make so much money over minimum wage, that you rarely find wait staff that are FOR killing the tipping system. None of them want to be paid flat rate. They all want tips simply because it can bring you so far above your state’s minimum wage.

  • I haven’t bad faithed anything… You clearly don’t understand how hosting a service works, in the case of “thousands of users” 1000 active is a hard lowball.

    You’ve clarified nothing. You constantly moved goalposts and pushed random “facts” like those statements changed anything about the original premise you presented and my response to it. You started with “THOUSANDS OF USERS”. Then backed down to 12 two posts later.

    THOUSANDS OF USERS -> Okay so let’s take a case of 1000 active users…

    UH UH, I didn’t say simultaneous!!! -> Good thing I only took a case of 1000 active users then… BTW we’re not even looking at server costs for processing, just raw bandwidth.

    Uh Uh, What about 12 users!!! -> (we are here).

    You need help dude. Nobody is coming after you. And nobody misrepresented you. You’re just completely out of your depth, which is okay. But don’t act like somebody is misrepresenting you, the world can read your responses.

  • So now you’ve backed down from “thousands of users” to a dozen?

    If you have THOUSANDS OF USERS (your words)… you should probably at least plan for 1000 concurrents, probably more (remember you have to plan for peaks, not average).

    You seem to be missing this repeatedly… I’m not sure how else to present it to you. You made the claim that a decent singular server should be able to host THOUSANDS (with an S… so multiple thousands.) I’m showing you that even if it’s just 1000 concurrents, you’re paying a heavy cost JUST for bandwidth… forget the server. You’re over your head if you think a single server is doing this shit.

    I run a plex instance, I have 8gbps internet to my house. I could host probably 80-100 simultaneous streams on that bandwidth of raw blurays. My servers could not handle that load simultaneously (and they’re hooked up as 40gbps internally). If bandwidth is the easy side of this equation (it is)… and your assertions are already failing… Then you’re just plain wrong.

  • But the LE/GN cases are that Honey changed URLs and cost them the sale revenue, no? v. Paypal.pdf

    a. Nationwide Class: All persons and entities in the United States who participated in an affiliate commission program with a United States eCommerce merchant and had commissions diverted to PayPal as a result of Honey.

    So yes, they’re suing on behalf of creators.

    But they’re using logic of what is promised/advertised to users… alongside the creator side of it all.

    1. Consumers download the PayPal Honey browser extension under the promise that Honey will search the web for the best coupons to ensure consumers pay the lowest prices when checking out with eCommerce merchants […] After this affiliate network partnership is established, on information and belief, Honey deliberately withholds higher-value coupons, directly contradicting Honey’s promise to consumers.

    Which we know is inaccurate at this point and honey is lying. Most of the rest will come out in discovery if Honey wants to fight it. And I think it’s safe to say that anything that comes out in discovery will simply hang honey even more than we already know.