I switched from a major nationwide bank to a local credit union. Why the F did I stay with that garbage so long?
When from paying hundreds a year to getting some tiny interest.
I switched from a major nationwide bank to a local credit union. Why the F did I stay with that garbage so long?
When from paying hundreds a year to getting some tiny interest.
the purpose of doing as you request with the content you input in Firefox"
Lol, replaced one bit of ambiguous rationalization with another, which holds no weight anyway. When it comes down to it, you’ll use any collected data any way you wish to do whatever you want, and thumb tour nose at the users who helped you get there.
Nah, you stepped all in it on this one, and really exposed yourself and your intentions, especially since many of us have been around since before WWW even existed.
Firefox is becoming Microsoft Office for the Mac. And if you don’t understand that, you probably weren’t alive at the time.
I’d send this to Mozilla/FF, but it’s a waste of bits.
Time to start blocking all FF domains and IP addresses. Just like Facebook.
It makes no sense to single out Apple, as that would simply push bad actors to other platforms, which will happen anyway, as is obvious to any security professional.
Except it does, or why else would they do it?
Android doesn’t really have an equivalent to iCloud direct from Google. It doesn’t have iMessage (which is technically encrypted, though with issues).
Android doesn’t have a full backup system like iOS. It doesn’t automatically sync to a cloud like iOS, etc, etc.
Its just not the same. Grab any Android phone, and the mix of messengers for sms alone is vastly different. Not to mention all the other messengers.
It’s a lot easier to gather a lot of info from a lot of people by first attacking iOS. It’s kind of the opposite of virus/malware.
Facebook and security? That’s a joke, right?
Yea, glad I wasted 7 minutes on that nonsense, and glad I never applied at Google. If you’re saying I’m shrunk, we’re already in Imaginary World, so I’m gonna make stuff up too.
Anymore if I get asked stupid questions like this I say it’s not a good question, and to ask a real one. Interviewers aren’t used to such responses.
And I also don’t do STAR type interviews. When they start in on them, I tell them how useless they are, and pull out several sheets of printed questions and answers.
Lol, right?
Here, let’s standardize on one system that’s centrally managed and opaque.
A much better solution would be to host their own XMPP servers with encryption required (replicated around the world of course), and allowing only their own-compiled clients to connect, and add some other validation mechanisms (MFA, etc). Like initially requiring a physical presence registration of a device.
Also run the app in a container, which has been available on Android since at least 2010 (my company was doing it then).
Signal is alright for the average person, but it’s got it’s own weaknesses that are unacceptable for an organization like a business, or especially military.
Mama says humans ain’t no good to eat, but I gotta find out for myself!
Nah, just us tech heads that are willing to put in the effort (and I’m not, Linux on the desktop has a long way to go, and I use Linux for all sorts of services).
99% of users can’t be bothered to understand the concept of a web browser, and that there are different ones. Switch them to any Linux distro and they’d freeze like deer in headlights.
Source: decades of providing support.
And yes, dumb move my MS, not sure what they’re trying to do here.
Oh, ffs, he replaced powder with a brick? Would’ve been better off to cut it with talc.
I’d say first define what you mean by moral (just to be sure we’re all using the same framework).
Bigger picture: this is just a not-good scenario all around. It’s intentionally choosing to be involved a messy, muddy situation, regardless of ethics or morality. Simple pragmatism is enough to steer clear of such situations.
Their big idea is phone numbers that pipe all calls AND SMS into XMPP. It’s $5 mo for unlimited messages, and the rate for voice calls is less than 1¢/min (I forget exactly).
So now calls and sms for my second number come through an XMPP app on my phone (Cheogram), and through apps on other devices/operating systems (e.g. Snikket on iOS, Gajim on Windows and Linux).
Voicemail show up as attachments via XMPP in Cheogram, and it does transcription.
You can use pretty much any XMPP app you want, but I’ve found only Cheogram supports phone calls well. I do use Monacles Chat on my phone for messaging and disable message notifications on Cheogram.
First, let’s clarify that when docs say a joint is arthritic, they usually mean it’s showing signs of significant inflammation (osteoarthritis), which is a very different thing than Rheumatoid Arthritis - RA is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system is degrading normal tissue. If you haven’t been diagnosed with RA, then they’re referring to OA, or inflammation.
All of us have some osteoarthritis as we age, I we probably have varying levels of OA in different joints at any given time.
There’s a phrase “motion is the lotion” - meaning keeping active is key to preventing joint issues.
Joints don’t like inactivity, I’d guess largely because cartilage isn’t vascular (it lacks a blood supply), so requires a different mechanism to keep it hydrated and fed. That occurs via motion: the action of moving a joint, applying pressure and releasing pressure, moves synovial fluid through cartilage, keeping it hydrated and flexible.
So keep moving.
Oh, wow, I didn’t realize masgravel license 365 too.
I recently changed from the major carriers to JMP.chat (and now USMobile) because my carrier randomly decided a Pixel5 can’t work on their network. But if I buy a Pixel 5 from them, it works.
JMP.chat pipes your SMS into XMPP, which is awesome, for $5/mo, including phone calls. I just use USMobile for a data connection now.
Use the bank website with Hermit or Native Alpha.
I’ve never paid more than $150 for a phone.
Having 2 or 3 phones for the same price means I can run a hot spare and have a test device for less than one of these new phones.
I just block everything out of the gate. The harder a site is to use, the less likely I’ll use it.
Helps keep me from useless browsing too