Clarity over what can and can’t use “bike lanes” is sorely needed in this day of electric bikes/scooters/wheel chairs/mobility scooters etc blurring lines and shifting goalposts. There’s been a welcome explosion of micro mobility options and there needs to be clarity around what can go where as it’s all over the show at the moment?! It’s part a public awareness campaign issue, laws and regs, as well of course a major infrustructure issue.
Clarity over what can and can’t use “bike lanes” is sorely needed in this day of electric bikes/scooters/wheel chairs/mobility scooters etc blurring lines and shifting goalposts. There’s been a welcome explosion of micro mobility options and there needs to be clarity around what can go where as it’s all over the show at the moment?! It’s part a public awareness campaign issue, laws and regs, as well of course a major infrustructure issue.