I know china has done some pretty fucked up things. But they’ve also built 25,000 miles of high speed rail, and a billion, that’s 1000000000, sq ft of new housing, just in the past ten years. I don’t know what percentage of the world’s solar panels come from China, but I’d bet it’s up there. They brought a billion people out of bone crushing stomach churning poverty in the course of a few decades.
When you stack up the fucked up things we in the west have done, vs what China’s been up to… If given the option I’d think long and hard about emigrating to china.
And a shower. Magnificent
Lol, that show is among the stupidest things I’ve ever loved.
It really is sad how many things that little fuck nugget has ruined. In this particular instance I mean Hitler.
Swastika? Neat, simple little geometric shape. Independently created by a few different cultures. Ruined.
“Roman salute”? Kinda neat looking, again simple. And again probably independently invented in a few places, but definitely Roman. Ruined
The charlie Chaplin mustache? More widely adopted after WWI as a style that would fit under a gas mask. Ruined
I’m not trying to campaign to rehab any of these things or apologize for musk. Just kinda sad how all this cool shit got tainted.