Agreed lots of non work related distractions from co workers
Agreed lots of non work related distractions from co workers
You describing overall productivity vs. amount of hours worked and that of course is totally logical.
I’m not going to offer numbers and percentages but I would propose an overall cap on state property taxes. That would force the state to spend less or finally get rid of funding for things that are not providing the desired results. I would shift the percentage of property tax levied more on commercial than residential. And finally I would have a lower rate for those who own the house and live there as opposed to an owner who is renting out the house.
If you live FULL TIME in Florida there is a cap on property tax increases. Many people in Florida own homes but do not live here full time and therefore are not eligible for this protection against increases. But they don’t have an age limit that ends all increases.
There are 2 types of “remote” workers. Those who spend much of the day doing personal stuff and not work. And then there are those who actually put in a full day of work. And that group is actually more productive than being in an office setting which is always filled with distractions. Instead of an across the board ending of remote work it should be based on individuals. If you send an important email, text, whatever and do not get a reply for hours you know that at least today that person is not being attentive to work. Let those who have proven that they are productive at home continue to do it.
I think it kept getting stolen by people wanting to put it in front of their house
You’d be better off dead than to face treatment with any of this stuff
thanks for the request. I may repost it with less
We all do. The friendship between these 3 is really heart warming. They should make a movie about it. In the near future they may add Vag as a new friend
People who like to celebrate having good friends that they can count on
Their big advantage is to drag you into the water. They don’t like to attack on land
Imagine how history would have changed if they only had admitted him into art school in Austria
It was my interpretation of a double image of a bird and a fish
thank you so much for the kind words
No. Do you think I should? I guess I should be proud of my talent and post as many places as I can
I wonder how much free time he has for stuff like this.
I wonder if the water has that sweet smell of female nectar
He ate the last person that asked to get by
And then where is going to afford to buy another house to live in?