I dug into ‘Creation Science’ for a while as a result of the cognitive dissonance. Trying to square reason and science with religion and belief in an inerrant Bible. Ultimately, I lost my religion and had an existential crisis that lasted about a year.
It was terrible. Panic attacks and circular thinking. An existential crisis is depression’s cousin. Painful, frightening, and eventually exciting. I’m free now. I got rid of the slavery that was pushed into me as a child. Still have to fight the guilt and bad thought patterns.
I was not successful in bringing any friends or family with me from before. I tried. I have regrets, but would do it again.
I’m a redneck. Not inbred more than normal, as far as I know. I think I’m purty smart sometimes. Since you and I are 50th cousins, at worst, you’ve got some redneck in you.
Don’t be like the fascists. Don’t get lazy in your thinking. Our antagonists are human, some are very intelligent.
To defeat their ideology, we must view them accurately. Otherwise, how will we anticipate what they will do?