Haven’t had it yet but I so gotta try out khachapuri from Georgia.
Ah those old YouTube poops by Santawithteeth/Kortez3000?
Uplink is a game about hacking that’s got fantastic tracker music for it’s soundtrack. Blue Valley is just great background music, no strong melodies, just chords and vibes.
Cave crickets, mostly. They like sneaking in through the ventilation ducts.
Wrongest might be poor style, but it is funner.
I do themed years as per CGP Grey’s video about the idea. Last year was a year of Foundations, building myself up both for my mental health and for my music career, and this year I’m gonna start building a better life on that foundation.
… Or try to, at least. Forming a band with a buncha trans folks in Trump’s America is gonna be difficult, but what’s more punk than forming an almost exclusively trans rock band in the face of adversity?
They’re shockingly useful today as a tool to manage ADHD, since they have a buncha organizational software baked into the OS, with plenty of other productivity apps still available for download off of PalmDB, without the connectivity nor distractions of a modern smartphone. I’m using a Sony PEG-UX50, which uses PalmOS 5, has a built in keyboard, and expandable memory (in the form of Sony Memory Sticks, cause Sony was addicted to format wars at the time.)
But what if I wanna feel like one of those hip young old folks from the soda commercial?
I’d guess pride colors, depictions of Blahaj (that IKEA shark that’s popular among trans folks), stuff of the sorts. Stuff that right wingers get offended by.
Get Vikas Music, he’s based enough to put it to eurobeat.
Thank goodness PocketPC and later Windows Mobile 5/6 were much better designed. I still prefer my Palm device, tho.