It’s BETTER than the U.S., and not simply due to lacking a fascist regime.
It’s BETTER than the U.S., and not simply due to lacking a fascist regime.
They dangle the carrot of “home ownership” as if anyone ever owns a home that can be taken away for not paying taxes.
This is even more preposterous when you realize trump’s boys are presently organizing Florida into the cocaine/meth distribution point for Latin America. They have a mob boss for a dad. Mobsters like the money drugs bring in. Expect trump to make ALL drugs illegal again - even medical marijuana. Mobsters make lots more money off illegal drugs than legal ones (except for the mob owned pharmaceutical companies - I think we’ve all seen their pricing in action… $400 dollars for a drug that costs $5 to make (looking at YOU, insulin).
Reddit has begun sucking trump’s dick. I wondered if it had anything to do with musk plying his evil across the internet.
Oh well… Thanks for responding! Have a great weekend!
Putin is a hard line communist. Do you know what that means? And I’m not talking about the socioeconomic philosophy of communism, I’m referring to the oppressive totalitarian “commies” who slaughtered millions of Russians and set up the entire “black market” economy (now called “oligarchs”).
History is important in understanding context.
I find it interesting when people like you chime in without realizing the history behind the word “commie”. Good for you. Ignorance is key to remaining under a dictator.
Sure, just not for you.
One would think that banned content couldn’t be voted upon. Sounds like reddit is using any excuse to censor any use other than “sponsored”.
Fucking nazis and commies at the top of our government. What the actual fuck.
Those are home schooled idiots. They can point out where god lives and find their way to the Walmart… but that’s about the extent of their educations. Interestingly - the dumbing of America started under Reagan, picked up speed under Bush 1, kicked into overdrive under Bush 2, and if you haven’t seen what Devos did to the DoE while “running it” - well… you’d be shocked when you discovered 50% of American high school graduates can’t read, write, critically think, or do simple math.
Yep! You guessed it! They’ve gone on to become the morons in the red hats. Almost like the republicans were counting on them being there.