That’s so /r/funny
That’s so /r/funny
I just want to see a lifehack that doesn’t make my eyes roll.
America would blow up a fusion reacto, call it dangerous, elon musk has a lot of things to say about it and then it would be illegal worldwide. Have you guys heard about coal? We already fixed it, just burn coal.
Which one was his last one. I liked paper tiger. His podcast is alright, i listened to it for a while, it just seemed a bit pointless to listen to every single week.
I didn’t say they should make it illegal. But stip being hypocrits about it. They still need studies to legalize marijuana, because there isn’t enough data for it to be save and jada jada. Okay, but we have more than enough data that shows just how bad and dangerous both alcohol and cigarettes are.
Well yeah they were american.
And when they come, oh boy do they roll over and give it to them.
It’s poison, quite literally. State sponsored leathal posion. But it makes money and it’s legal, so it’s very cool.
Quick, censor the funny t-shirt, some americans can read and they might get very upset.
I’m a fat diabetic out of spite. Eat shit society, i don’t even miss my penis.
I always thought how funny it would be on a christmas dinner where a 20 year old is present who’s job is being a sreamer or content creator. And all the elderly people try to understand what his job is. His parents preassure him into showing them some of his “craft”, so they stand around his pc while he yells slurs into his microphone
My hands are big and i want bigger phones
I don’t know the whole story. Real debrid is french, and they released a new law or something and real debrid all debrid and mega debrid just stopped working. Except for the thing no one uses it for.
I find it weird in general when people compliment things that i had nothing to do with. Like: nice tattoo. Thanks, i sat there for a bit and then it was done. I had a girlfriend who treated her car like she designed and build it herself. I even made a joke once where i said exactly that and je just cold heatedly said: she does that too. Like if someone would insult her car, she would take that very personally.
I haven’t seen an ad in like 15 years or so (at home) and i already find them incredibly dystopian and weird. I don’t really understand how people put up with that right now, but it kind of tells me that they would actually do the laola wave and yell pepsi at their screen. I found my old VHS collection the other day and watched karate kid that i recorded as a child. I think it had 2 ad breaks who were really short, and back then we thought that it’s getting a bit much with the ads.
Depending on how long you were gone, don’t get real debrid btw.
Easy, they call their cars something like renegade or maveric and some idiots pay 80k for that shitbox
Idk, if i were a trailer, that would sound like a fun challenge
Thank the God emperor i’m no heretic
Good old american craftsmanship