The only way she would care about labor is if she was pregnant…
The only way she would care about labor is if she was pregnant…
And you know it’s AI slop because Musk has two left feet.
Dumb Fox News bimbo needs to keep her trap shut.
Worth noting: rare breeds tend to be weaker, less adapted to their environment and disappear easily.
That’s why they’re rare.
Hmm, RFK Jr. looks a lot browner than I remember him from last week…
He is much too verbose, launches into side topics that have nothing to do with the subject on hand, and he speaks much too fast. But that’s his style. I believe he’s on the spectrum and doesn’t really know how to focus on what he has to say.
Having said that. I think Louis Rossmann wouldn’t be Louis Rossmann, or even be as efficient as he is, if he didn’t do that.
It’s all a matter of perspective. I’m an optimist myself so it goes:
I have my own mannerisms because I have my own personality. I don’t need to copy nobody else’s, rich or poor.
I never tapered off. I replaced hard smoking with hard vaping almost overnight - and when I mean hard vaping, I mean big mods with big drippers, tons of power, tons of clouds, tons of nicotine.
I calmed down a bit with the vaping over the years because I didn’t feel I needed as much. Then one mornng, I simply left the mod at home and stopped vaping cold turkey.
Vaping had two functions for me:
After 10 years of vaping, I really felt like tobacco was well and truly alien to me at that point, so the “crutch” aspect of vaping disappeared. As for the nicotine, I figured I could always smear some nicotine base VG onto my gums. So I quit vaping but I left home with a bottle of nic that morning, but ended up never needing it.
That’s my tobacco cessation story. Everybody’s is different 🙂
Tobacco. 10,000%.
I smoked 3 packs a day for 25 years.
Then when vaping appeared on the scene, I switched to vaping - HEAVY vaping, loads of nicotine (you could buy 100 mg/ml nicotine base by the gallon for a few bucks back when it was still free). For 10 years.
Then finally I quit vaping. It’s been 5 years.
I’m finally free from tobacco. And it’s entirely thanks to vaping for me. I tried a million times and only vaping finally peeled me off tobacco (and then it took me 10 years to peel myself off vaping, but that was easier).
That’s what it took and how long it took me to get off tobacco. I curse the everlasting shit out of the day I took my first drag on a cigarette…
what does that mean for you now? Should I just capitulate
You ask two question:
What it means for me: I’m old enough to have seen this coming in 1999/2000 and I’ve been very paranoid about my private data ever since. Also, I have no problem living without many of the modern conveniences that younger folks can’t seem to do without. So I fly as low below the radar as possible without compromising my daily life too much and I intend to do this until I die, because this is not my future anymore and I’m tired.
Should you capitulate: ABSOLUTELY NOT. If you’re young and/or your privacy is already compromised, you need to fight like hell for your rights to privacy.
What I’m saying is, privacy isn’t something you can save. It’s gone. It’s totally dead. If you want privacy again, your generation is going to have to blow up surveillance capitalism and it’s going to be violent. There’s no fixing this shit: it’s inherently broken.
A car without an internet connection.
“Privacy isn’t dead” says privacyguides.org. Gee, I wonder why they say that…
Yes it is. It’s deader than a dead dodo.
Spank her when she does something stupid. If she wants to live old school, she’s gotta go all the way.
MAGA Attracts Gullible Asswipes
Yes, it’s a recursive acronym.
It’s the everyday drudgery, miseries and annoyances that make the good times worthwhile. Just like you never appreciate the sun more than in a place that gets very little of it.
I currently live in a country that enjoys a very high standard of living and where people really do enjoy the good life. Yet weirdly enough, a lot of the locals are depressed and keep complaining. Why? Because they don’t realize what they have, because it’s their everyday normal.
As for what’s the point of living, if you don’t want to fall into the easy fallacies of religion, I suggest you simply enjoy your life while you can. You were born with a finite number of hours on this dirtball and they’re ticking away, so make sure you spend as many as you can with your loved ones having a good time. Because when the clock stops ticking, it’s over.
All English. It’s just more practical. Every software is first and foremost written in English, for English UIs, for English-speaking users, and then internationalized. I’ll just stick to the primary design for simplicity’s sake and to reduce potential issues.
Also, English tends to be more terse and less verbose than almost all other languages when abbreviated.
Neither stupidity nor malice are required to explain self-interest
Yeah but see that’s what does not compute: in what scenario does any oligarch benefit from increasing the country’s nuclear risk? There’s a thousand and one ways to make a lot more money a lot more safely, quickly and quietly.
That’s why I’m of the opinion that Trumsk don’t friggin’ know what they’re doing.
I think Hanlon’s razor applies here: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
I think Trump and Musk haven’t thought anything through and they’re applying Silicon Valley’s idiotic “move fast and break things” motto. The trouble is, while this may be fine to develop a web browser or a social media platform, it doesn’t apply to many things that require forethought and time to do things right because they are literally not allowed to break, such as nuclear shit.
They didn’t “clash” at the White House: Zelensky got a bona fide dressing down from the orange utan and the couch fucker, like a little kid who done something wrong, purely based on untruths and lies.
If anything, the man should be praised for keeping his cool. Can you imaging being scolded by those two morons while your country has been at war for three fucking years and you have to endure the indignity to try and save it? If I had been Zelensky, I would have spat on them, gotten up and left.