When I made one mistake on the typewriter I had to rewrite the entire cover letter
Bro just backspace. What kind of typewriter is this?
When I made one mistake on the typewriter I had to rewrite the entire cover letter
Bro just backspace. What kind of typewriter is this?
Yeah my only complaints with gnome are the lack of system tray and the fact that sticky keys don’t work well
we know better than you do” mentality towards design
And I agree with them. I think people should pick whatever desktop environment needs the least amount of customization for their needs. Keep it simple. If Gnome works out of the box, use it. If KDE works out of the box, use it.
Just try out multiple desktops in a live environment and see what you like before you commit. In fact, I recommend people to use a linux live session for several weeks or months before switching, just to get used to it.
It is batshit crazy. Notepad was never meant to be what they are making it into. Not even WordPad should have AI nonsense. It’s just not for that. It would be like adding advanced spreadsheet functionality to Microsoft Word. It’s not what that’s for, you have Excel for that.
we got dictator petplay before gta 6
Yeah, so much traffic it actually crashed the servers for a little bit
I was talking to someone online who is in Ghana and this is how it is there.
prison plane
Military cargo planes are not prison planes lol
There is a new park near me and I mapped the walking trail there.
I’m doing my part
Thank god. It’s about time we call things by terms that actually matter, rather than this technical jargon like USB 3.1 Gen 2. Even if someone doesn’t know what a gigabit is, they can still look at this new scheme and know that higher number = more speed. This is such an upgrade
don’t get me started on how bad of an idea it is to use webusb
I will get you started. Please explain.
It’s a Samsung “feature”. If you turn the volume up high enough, it warns you about hearing loss. Even if what you are listening to is super quiet so you have to turn it up to hear, and even if you are connected to a speaker.
Edit: Apparently it’s not just Samsung phones anymore, instead it is an Android 14 feature. And apparently some other OEMs have had a similar feature for a while.
Agreement? Read them 1 hour until you have understood everything.
I one time for fun (cause I’m insane) read the entire Windows license agreement, MSA (Microsoft Services Agreement), and privacy policy. It took me 1 hour and 45 minutes, I timed it.
So use whiteout!