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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2024


  • Yeah their policies are so progressive that the dick Chaney family endorsed them.

    Yeah, I’m sure it had nothing to do with Liz Cheney being outed by the Republican party for showing opposition to their cult leader. I’m also sure it had nothing to do with the Cheney family recognizing their party had been taken over by said cult leader and his cult and being pretty upset about the threat that poses the country. I’m sure the Cheney family only endorsed Democrats because they genuinely believe in progressive policies. Lol.

    Biden was so progressive that as soon as the supreme court repealed Roe v. Wade, he made an EO to protect the rights of women.

    HE LITERALLY DID. Trump undid them as soon as he became president because LEGISLATING VIA EO’S IS FUCKING STUPID. The only way to make something stick is via legislating through Congress, and that requires A LOT more sway than Biden and Democrats had in this divisive ass country.

    Oh and of course how can we forget that he made college and vocational schooling free for everyone

    Nope, but he forgave student loans for a shit ton of people despite Republican AND Supreme Court obstruction at every turn.

    You need to understand that YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. You clearly have ZERO clue what you’re talking about, and yet here you are, spreading misinformation on the internet. And, judging by your upvotes, people are taking your misinformation at face value, thus perpetuating the spread of misinformation, leading us to where we are now.

    Do your homework before you post, or don’t post.

  • DarkFuture@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldFailed roll for self-awareness
    2 days ago

    What’s curious is your lack of understanding of how our government works.

    You’re completely ignoring the fact that Republicans were able to obstruct because they gained House, and then Senate, majority during Obama’s terms. Democrats do not have majority in either chamber of Congress right now. So your comment is senseless.

    Actually, I guess you’re not ignoring. You’re simply unaware, because you don’t know how things work. And yet you’re being upvoted by others who also don’t know how things work.

    EDIT: 6 downvotes as of right now and not a single one of them had the balls or brains to counter what I said. In other words, 6 individuals ignorant of how our government works and completely fine with that. Holy fuck, we really need mandatory civics classes in our schools. So many people with no clue how things work. I guess that’s why a felon rapist traitor is our president.

  • We can’t do anything about that, wagging your finger at voters will not accomplish anything.

    If we can’t do anything about American voters being complacent and lazy and not doing their civic duty responsibly, then we have, and will continue to have, way bigger problems than a party not being good at promoting themselves. And, oh look, we are.

    We can’t just keep ignoring the source of our problem. People HAVE to get responsibly engaged in politics if we want out of this situation. Otherwise, even if Dems get better at messaging, we’ll just slingshot back to where we are now if they stop being good at it again.

    Apparently it’s going to take a lot of pain and suffering for Americans to become more responsible voters. If it’s even possible at this point.

  • blaming others for not supporting a candidate that didn’t represent them in the primary and likely wouldn’t have in their office.

    This is irrelevant. On election day you get two options and you have to pick whichever one comes CLOSEST to representing you. A ton of whiny little bitches stayed home or voted 3rd party (pointless) because Democrats didn’t align PERFECTLY with them. That shit ain’t happening in reality. You grow up and pick whoever is CLOSEST.

  • We can’t control the American voters so complaining about them doesn’t actually accomplish anything.

    That’s a fair statement. It’s not so much complaining though, as just an observation of reality.

    And I do agree that Democrats need to get better at promoting themselves.

    But American voters cannot be absolved of responsibility. Especially not in an election like what we just experienced. This election wasn’t confusing. It wasn’t two candidates neck and neck in terms of being solid or bad. One candidate was WAY, WAY, SUPER, INCREDIBLY worse than the other and we already had a test run with him to prove it. We had a debate where he made a fool of himself talking about immigrants eating people’s pets and admitting he only had concepts of plans.

    For the American public to go with that guy anyway…well, that’s a damning condemnation of American voters.

    The focus should be forcing Democrats to get better at messaging. But the American voter’s failure CANNOT be ignored. If we keep placing all the blame on Democrats, without acknowledging the general public’s failure, then we’re simply ignoring the TRUE issue. The true issue being that we’re a complacent, lazy society that does not vote responsibly, regardless of what the parties themselves are doing or not doing.

  • And you’re still not getting it.

    Nah bud, you’re not getting it.

    Politicians come and go. Political parties go through phases where they’re better and worse at advertising themselves. The American voters who failed to do their civic duty by responsibly informing themselves, choosing instead to sit around and wait for a party to court them until they felt appeased, will still be there next go around, waiting to not do their civic duty again, entirely dependent on whether they feel a party appeased them enough or not.

    Because they’re too fucking lazy to do simple things like looking up the voting history of said party. I did. Now I don’t need Democrats to court me like I’m some dipshit prom queen because I KNOW they are the better option, whether they court me or not.

  • So why shit on the literal tens of millions we need in defense of less than an airplane’s worth of people who hightailed it back to their mansions?

    You answered your own question.

    That airplane’s worth of people come and go. They won’t be relevant next time around.

    The tens of millions of people that failed to do their civic duty and inform themselves responsibly, waiting around instead for a party to court them until they felt appeased, will still be there, not doing their civic duty next time around.

    And that is why the fault rests on American voters, not politicians that come and go.