Yo [he/him]
I don’t game very much (just recently I started playing outer wilds though a few times per week). I feel like I probably enjoy tweaking my laptop more than actually using it.😆 I dont even code much. I like finding open source alternatives to software and generally improve my laptop. Spent about 4months learning nixos:)
I don’t know, at least I might be able to help others improve their pc’s too
I feel like this should probably be top comment here
It’s kinda “addictive”, so hard to resist the urge. Hopefully it has no negative health effects (there was that study about one who popped their knukles and found out it wasnt damaging, hopefully they are correct)
Ugh ouch
I dont know if I sprained mine, I remember picking up running for a few weeks (cuz I thought doing only weights wasnt the best idea) and I remember my ankles feeling sore after running. I expected it to be normal though, cuz I don’t tend to run a lot (though I walk a lot). 🤷
Haven’t done an xray yet, might do one day
I can pop my ankles almost non stop since around 2 years ago for some reason (no pain or anything), lol
Yo this seems to be a bad take
I think something that defines humanity is that we really try not to follow the “rules of nature”, ie. the rule of the stronger over the weaker