hate how streaming just has the last song be 20 minutes of silence and then playing the secret song. for gods sake can we please just shorten that, it fucks with my playlists
hate how streaming just has the last song be 20 minutes of silence and then playing the secret song. for gods sake can we please just shorten that, it fucks with my playlists
holy shit cope harder dude
then go do it in the appropriate thread, not this one. its incredibly off topic
i loved that movie but i always tune out at the ending fight scene
my answer for this is always BASEketball
one of the funniest movies of all time yet only has 41% on RT
actually ☝️🤓 its 25 that is his max, not 21
this is what free speech is all about, you should never feel wrong for feeling gross about how your country is fucking up
USA super bowl champs yet again, other countries cant keep up 🫵🤣
yep, he was abusing alcohol throughout and also went from a no meat diet to eating meat 3 times a day, obviously thats gonna shock the stomach and the alcohol abuse just completely skewed every result
that super size me was a reputible documentary
we really dont have unique experiences in life
but i saw it happen in the barnyard movie
…do other countries seriously lack that much respect that they don’t even tip their landlords? my god what a shithole the rest of the world is
thats what the title is referring to. as in, not what is in the image itself. the image itself is showing the same product for the same size yet the “kids” version is almost a dollar cheaper than what everybody else would usually get
the title references something else than the image
some places allow you to pay for stuff over a period of time, so you can actually be financing something like a pizza
the kids size and the smallest size are the same size but a different price
play skyrim. it’ll make the 9 days feel like 9 hours
im pretty sure reddit has done that before. or at least had controversy like it
im sure zappa would love to expand to you upon his thoughts about this topic but hes dead so he cant right now
liars debut album is an odd one, on vinyl the last 2 bars of the last song are on the part of the vinyl that repeats, but on cd they just repeated those 2 bars for the maximum length of a cd and now on streaming that song is like 5 minutes of music and 25 minutes of the same 2 bars