Hilfe – help Leistung – action (closest translation for this context) -s- to make it sound less awkward Lösch – root of the verb “extinguish” Gruppe – group -n- to make it sound less awkward (Gruppen being the plural, is incidental) fahr – root of the verb “drive” or “go” in the context of vehicles
Zeug – basically “thing”; hence Fahrzeug = vehicle
Hilfe – help
Leistung – action (closest translation for this context)
-s- to make it sound less awkward
Lösch – root of the verb “extinguish”
Gruppe – group
-n- to make it sound less awkward (Gruppen being the plural, is incidental)
fahr – root of the verb “drive” or “go” in the context of vehicles Zeug – basically “thing”; hence Fahrzeug = vehicle