Basically I have a shower with a big glass pane and I was in bed and heard a massive crash and went to look thinking someone might be breaking in but no the shower glass pane shattered itself and nothing can fall on it or anything. So I’m so confused. Any ideas?
And before anyone jumps to anything paranormal I’m sceptical of that type of stuff.
Ha ! That happened to me last year actually. Showered in the morning everything was fine. Came back from work to the thing in pieces on my floor. It can happen with tempered glass due to manufacturing defects. I think what actually triggers it to break apart isn’t even well understood. And good luck explaining that shit to your landlord because it’s pretty rare.
we own the house so we had to explain it to the person that fitted the shower and bathroom. Which luckily they understood because it’d happened before to another of their customers and they sorted the issue out for free.
I guess you feel the pain lol. It’s a weird situation to be in.