Robert F. Kennedy Jr., independent challenger for president and anti-vaccine activist, has a cockamamie solution for drug addicts and people who use medication for depression or ADHD: strip people of their tech gadgets and send them to government-funded "wellness farms" to grow organic food. Doesn't that sound suspiciously... like a labor camp?! Kennedy extolled this […]
More like if we don’t get our basic facts straight we look just as disconnected as they are. This post is misleading and there is absolutely no need to exaggerate, RFKs idea is plenty stupid but now the article is just an easily dismissed propaganda piece because it eschews objective reality instead of just outlining the actual stupidity. Who is to trust anything in this article after the title is outright wrong? Like this entire article isn’t even worth anyone’s time, it’s just RFK spitballing to the media so they had to make up a bs title while there are real news articles likely getting ignored
Sorry maybe you don’t deserve to be on the end of my comment there but I’m so sick and tired of people trying to interpret clearly intentionally bad promises as charitably as possible and I let it out
I mean you’re right lol and I like the way you phrased it. Same here honestly, I was annoyed andI mostly wanted to make a tangential point about people getting worked up over vapid newsy-sounding articles while ignoring actual problems, this shit wasn’t worth reading when it was new and now it’s here, 6 months old and past the election it was written for, with tons of engagement