Which faith? Why doesn’t the announcement declare that all faiths will be equally represented and defended? Why is she a christian pastor? What.The. FUCK. Happened to separation of church and state?
They were deists. Jefferson even wrote a new version of the Bible that excluded all the supernatural events.
Sure they were into philosophical debate and such but they deliberately excluded it from government.
They weren’t ok with one side of these debates having a power to persecute the other.
Separation of church and state isn’t actually in our constitution, sadly
The closest it gets is saying congress can’t make a law favoring any religion, nothing about the president doing batshit stuff religious wise
Symbolic … it’s also the point where I’ve completely lost faith in the United States
Is anyone suing over this yet?
“Get in line!” ;) Seriously… they have generated so many lawsuits already and this was just announced today.
I’d imagine it would go to the Supreme Court who would rule:
"Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…"
Not Congress, he’s the Unitary Executive.
The most opressed white christian male snowlakes killed DEI on per-institution level to create a whole institution for it.
Protecting the Constitution?
What, you’re spitting on it instead?Shut down, pump up mysticism. Sounds about right. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Can't_Happen_Here
Christians are jealous of the Borg and this is how they force their sick twisted lifestyles on the rest of us. It’s your hell, you burn in it.
Well, this is dystopian.