Boy, wait until your hear about Prince Albert
Boy, wait until your hear about Prince Albert
Moving all my shit across Outlook to Proton took forever, I swear I’ll shoot a mf if I have to move email providers AGAIN
For me it’s the bit about bringing almost a whole desk setup instead of using the portable as a portable
Damn, sweet ride dude! Congrats!
Wouldn’t that give trolls a juicy target to harass, thus leading into people not bothering to downvote to avoid the harassment?
Man, 3 was a huge letdown for me, not even sure if I’ll bother watching 4…
And the animations on them are so obnoxious I actively add custom CSS to remove them.
Vencord FTW
Huh, on Win 11 24H2 this opens the Modern Device and Printers instead of the control panel one.
I guess sometimes sh.itdoesnt.work
Man, the Device and Printers one is long as hell lol
Man, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts must be really shit if the TikTokers didn’t even consider them for a second lmao
Time really is a flat circle huh?
This all just sounds like the Alexa/Google Assistant integration some brands were advertising for their TVs previously, just ends up as the obnoxious button you bump into and desperately try to back out while the aging TV huffs and puffs struggling to load the flashy UI
And just when I thought their endless begging couldn’t get any more pathetic.
Soon enough they’ll tell you a puppy dies every time you launch a non-edge browser
I didn’t get it either til I came across a Galaxy Fold demo unit at the mall.
It’s light, the expanded screen gives you lots of extra screen real estate without feeling too big or unwieldy, and when folded up you get a normal aspect ratio, at a thickness that’s comparable to other phones.
I never really felt like a tablet would be useful for me, filling the “gap” between a laptop and a phone with essentially a ‘bigger phone’ I’d have to charge and carry always seemed silly: I’d rather just keep using my phone instead.
But when you merge both devices into one, it works. It really is a ‘bigger phone’, with the benefit of being able to choose when you want to use the extra screen real estate without having to swap devices.
As someone who often tries to juggle multiple tasks on a phone*, I want one.
Shame they’re so expensive where I live. Looking at the used market, even the folds multiple generations behind are still too expensive.
*Side note: Stock Android’s split screen implementation is shit.
The floating windows Xiaomi and other OEMs have is light-years ahead, Google should be ashamed.
Having a transient lifestyle like that sounds like you shouldn’t have children, at least to me.
Ooh, someone is about to make BANK!
Oh cool, another useless gimmick just like the ‘Office Key’
It’s my favorite color, that’s what it is