wut? Biden just gave a speech full of warnings. I get it’s not blocking trump from the presidency, but do we really need to make new shit up to blame them for? Don’t we have more than enough real things already?
They just want to blame mainstream Democrats so that the far left gains power. Even if it makes for shittier short and long term politics.
Building a greater coalition is basically the only path forward in these times.
We should blame Mainstream Dems because they lost to Trump and failed to defend our country from fascism. Twice.
And the progressives lost to the Democrats in purely leftist contests in 2022, 2018 and other elections.
Switching over to a group who can’t even consistently win a Senator or House seat is the wrong move.
Until you show some political muscle, I don’t trust you either with defeating Trump or other groups. Prove yourselves in 2026 if you want me to take you seriously by 2028.
The only lesson I learned is that the far left are backstabbers who will chant Free Palestine and fuck up their own party, rather than come together to fight Trump.
But golly it sure seems like going Right worked well for Republicans!
Funny how I heard the same concerns about Trump lol.
Nothing like a Third Way enlightened centrist who thinks we should water down factual policy to cater with ignorance on the right. It’s worked so well! Back to Hillary, amirite?
In fact let’s just run it back with a Hillary / Harris ticket, only this time we go to the right of Republicans!
I’m a former rural Republican by the way.
Your concerns don’t matter vs the media machine that is Facebook, WashPo, LA Times, TikTok, Twitter and more.
The simple fact is that the Left has lost every single media. Literally all of them.
I completely agree, but I don’t believe these points are mutually exclusive.
We lost them partly (but not exclusively) because we never stood by what we believed in. We just looked like Republican-lite; a spineless version of Republicans.
You lost them because Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post.
Or what? You think Washington Post’s opinion changed from left-leaning to right-leaning because of Gaza or some shit?
They gave plenty of statements of caution before the election, and most of the country simply didn’t care. So now we reap what we have sown. We did this to ourselves.
Who’s “we”?
Who’s “we” motherfucker?
You best understand that I’m not part of your fucking “we”. I did not do this to myself, nor did I do this to any of my friends. We did what we knew how. We most certainly did not do this to ourselves, and personally I’m not going to just shrug and sigh and lay down and take it.
America’s chosen government doesn’t see me or many of my friends as human because we’re trans and you’re saying “we” must reap what “we” have sown, as if we are somehow responsible for our own persecution. That’s victim blaming. That’s what spineless people say when they have no real skin in the game. That’s what people say when they’re too scared to speak up. That’s coward shit.
Well, I refuse to take responsibility for this trash. I refuse to take responsibility for the abuse I and my friends will likely be subjected to in the coming years. Nor do I have the option to just lay down and take it.
Fuck your “we”.
“We” here clearly refers to the country as a whole, which you know. So why are you directing this rage at someone who’s probably on your side, even agrees with you, and was backed into a grammatical corner due to english’s lack of nuanced collective nouns? Do you seriously think alienating some of our few allies with aggressively performative rage is going to keep your friends safe?
We all feel like this, we’re all scared for what this fascist fuck might do to us & ours, so don’t make it harder for everyone by taking your anger out on people who are just venting their frustration and worry to the universe.