Browsing the web I came across this (meta) search engine. From the first glance, it seems promising and giving quite a good results to my searches. Definitely better than Google, Bing or DDG, which tend to be full of SEO/ads/AI bullshit these days. Does anyone use it?
It somehow implies it’s open source and indeed there is github too, but I can’t find any link from the itself to it. It’s just… IDK, weird?
I’m immediately suspicious of anything that says “earn crypto rewards” so that’s a “no” from me.
I just use Searx-NG as my meta search engine, and it’s been pretty good.
There’s another self-hosted actual search engine (with its own dataset + crawler) but I forget its name off the top of my head. I’ve been looking into setting that up to experiment with.
Yeah, that crypto part must be new(ish). I remember it definitely wasn’t there about half year ago when I first find out presearch. I believe it had no account to create either.
Well, I’ll give SearXNG another chance I assume.
Unrelated, but I’ve never seen someone use the word “assume” that way before. It technically works, I think?
I don’t know, the best I can do is hope. I’m not a native speaker and my english lessons are long gone, so I put words here and there as they came to my mind hoping the other side will understand… Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.